Holy Cross Catholic School Philadelphia, PA 19119


Holy Cross Catholic School - School Attendance Zone (School Boundaries BIG Map)

Holy Cross Catholic School - School Profile | Philadelphia, PA Community Profile


Nearby Public Schools (within a 15-mile radius)

No other public schools within a 15 miles radius found.

Nearby Private Schools (within a 15-mile radius)

Project Learn School, PA (< 0.1 mile)
Jesus Is the Way Christian Academy, PA (< 0.1 mile)
The Crefeld School, PA (1.4 miles NW)
St. Raymond of Penafort School, PA (1.4 miles ENE)
B.C.A. and Childcare Center, Inc., PA (1.4 miles S)
Norwood-Fontbonne Academy, PA (1.9 miles NW)
Small World Discovery Center, PA (1.9 miles SSE)
Norwood-Fontbonne Academy, PA (1.9 miles NW)
St. Athanasius School, PA (1.9 miles E)
Greene Street Friends School, PA (1.9 miles SSE)

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